
Exhibitions & Awards
Barrett Art Center - Poughkeepsie, NY
Photowork 2021
David Jones Gallery - Kansas City, MO
November 2020 Group Art Show
Barrett Art Center - Poughkeepsie, NY
New Directions 2020 Exhibition - Juror’s Prize Winner
Wickford Art Association - North Kingston, RI
Photography Exhibit 2020
Tag Gallery- Los Angeles, CA
2020 California Open
Lincoln Gallery - Loveland, CO
2020 National Fine Arts Show - Best in Show Winner
Artist’s Statement
As a passionate history enthusiast, I was always disappointed with the treatment of Black American stories. Military men throughout the nation’s past are heralded as heroes, but I seldom found people like me to be included among them. Undeterred, I took the initiative to seek out their stories.
As I learned more about these servicemen it became clear that their lives were a microcosm of the greater Black experience of their day. Their position as fighting men during our country’s most trying times created a powerful perspective on the challenges facing Black Americans both enlisted and in civilian life.
My work is an effort to center that perspective at the forefront of the conversation about who we have become as Americans.
Behind the scenes capture on set of “Distant Relatives”.
PC: Tyrus Frost (@tyrusfrost)
Opening Reception - Friday, September 6th, 2019
Buffalo Soldier is not currently available for viewing
On exhibition was a collection of cinematic photographs examining the history of the Black American Warrior, including their perspective on the Civil War, the World Wars, the Civil Rights Movement, and more.
This series is a Grant Recipient from the Queens Council on the Arts, Honorable Mention Awardee from the International Photography Awards, and Nominee at the Fine Art Photography Awards.
All images produced by Breadbox Pictures